newborn photography

How to Prepare for a Newborn Lifestyle Session

One of my most frequently asked questions from parents for in home newborn lifestyle sessions is how they can prepare for photos. I always start out by saying there is no need to worry about tidying up (you just had a baby!) and if anything needs to be moved around, I am happy to do that when I get there. You would be surprised at the beauty that can be captured in just a small corner with good natural light!

In my experience, all you need is some nice window light and a warm space where baby is happy and can be cuddled and loved. When I arrive I’ll take a look around your home for the spaces with the best natural light and possibly open blinds and curtains. Usually we begin by taking photos in the nursery and a then a living space such as a bedroom or living room. I’m always game for outdoor photos as well if the weather is nice.

I suggest that baby gets a feeding before the session if possible but I like to keep things relaxed and always allow time for feedings and diaper changes as needed. I recommend starting mid morning for newborn lifestyle sessions when babies tend to be happier and sleepier versus evenings when they tend to be fussier. Timing wise, usually a newborn lifestyle session with me lasts about an hour and a half on average.

Another tip is to lay out a few outfits, swaddles, blankets or accessories that you might like to use in photos and I can help you decide what might work best visually. I love using various cozy textures with newborns such as chunky knit blankets or stretchy muslin swaddles. I always bring a couple faux fur rugs along that are nice to lie a swaddled baby on top of. I tell mom that if she is nursing it’s wise to wear something that is nursing friendly (and I’m always happy to take nursing photos if mom wishes!) Typically lighter softer colors and textures tend to photograph best for newborn sessions (though it’s not a hard and fast rule!). Sometimes families like to coordinate their colors with the baby’s nursery or the colors found in their home.

If there are older siblings involved, often I’ll ask them to give me a tour of baby’s room, or their room or play room so they can get used to me. I’ve got three littles of my own and am very experienced with toddlers!

Below are some photos of this brand new family of four! Little Izak did absolutely great for his session, mostly slept and peeked at us for a few photos towards the end. Seeing a tiny baby in an oversized chunky knit sweater is just the cutest! And I love the soft pastel color palette they chose for their outfits contrasted with mom and dad’s tattoos.

Melissa Engle Photography offers portrait, family and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, York and Harrisburg PA. Please contact me if you would like to make some photo magic together!

A Colorful Newborn Lifestyle Photo Session with Baby Marino

It goes without saying that I am a huge color fanatic. When you step in the front door of our 1950’s mid-century bi-level home you will see right away that bright bold colors are my favorite. From the golden wall arch behind our emerald green couch to the teal accent wall by the piano and a shelf covered in vibrant artwork, plants and jewel-toned pom pom garlands, color is everywhere. So you can imagine how excited I was to photograph this newborn lifestyle session for my fellow color-loving friend and photographer Tasha.

Baby Marino was born in October and he is very much adored by everyone in the family, including the pups. He was pretty chill the whole time, mostly sleeping and made a few funny faces and big yawns which are always the best to capture. Big sister Estella was excited to have me as a visitor and there was some music and dancing of course. She also brought out her camera and took a few photos.

I love the deep rich teals (my favorite color!) and jewel tones throughout their home. Tasha painted the blue ombre accent wall in Marino’s nursery herself and it feels like the Caribbean to me. I had to incorporate some fairy lights of course to make it feel magical. Hope you enjoy the photos of this beautiful family of four!

Melissa Engle Photography offers portrait, family and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, York and Harrisburg PA. Please contact me if you would like to make some photo magic together!

Harrisburg Newborn Photography: Baby Naomi

Harrisburg newborn lifestyle photography session

Photographing baby Naomi’s newborn lifestyle session was so delightful. First of all, she was the most peaceful, agreeable newborn I’ve probably ever photographed. She basically slept the entire time, despite all of the laughter and conversations going on around her. She even got some puppy kisses, along with big sister kisses of course. Also, the Parmer home has the most wonderful natural light, which made this newborn lifestyle session a dream to photograph. And there’s no doubt that there is a lot of love in this home.

As I edited these photos I was reminded that two years have already passed since I was in Hannah’s shoes, adjusting to becoming a mother of two. Remembering back to that time, I think my biggest struggle was feeling sad that I wasn’t able to give my eldest daughter the time and attention that she wanted (or was used to having as the first child). But a wise friend reminded me that my daughter had my undivided attention for the first couple years of her life, whereas my second child would never have that. Finding a new balance is hard, but I think having a sibling is one of life’s biggest blessings. And as a mother I know that there is always going to be enough love in my heart for both of my kiddos.

Melissa Engle Photography offers portrait, family and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, PA. Please contact me if you would like to make some photo magic together!

Lancaster Birth Photography: Eliora's Natural Hospital Birth Story

Lancaster birth photography of mother and baby Eliora

One of my goals for 2019 was to photograph a birth. Other than the births of my two children, I have never been present for such a sacred moment as this. I have always loved story telling with my camera and since birth is something I am passionate about I knew I would enjoy documenting it. After all, giving birth is one of the most momentous, miraculous and amazing things a human woman can do and I wanted to show just how incredible it can be.

I put the word out on social media that I was hoping to photograph a birth for a nominal fee and was surprised at the response of willing moms who came forward. One of the moms who reached out to me was Beth who was expecting her fourth baby girl at the end of August. When I discovered she lived just a few blocks from us here in Cabbage Hill, Lancaster City, I felt it was meant to be.

I don’t have the best words to describe what it was like to photograph the birth of Eliora but it moved me (to tears) watching this beautiful mama work to bring her fourth baby girl into this world. Beth endured a long tiring labor so beautifully without complaint, even laughing and making jokes throughout (and without any painkillers or epidural I might add). I should also mention that Beth had been having pretty intense contractions for a few days before she even went into labor so I can only imagine the exhaustion she must have felt.

I met Beth and her husband Jack for the first time in the delivery room. Jack had the most peaceful, calm presence the entire time. I learned that he could sense the strength of her contractions by how hard she was squeezing his hand. She later told me that this was by far her most difficult and long labor. Her pregnancy was considered high risk because of the baby having a two vessel cord instead of three (meaning less blood flow/food to baby) but Beth showed no sense of worry or fear. Honestly I could not believe how calm and quiet she was the entire time because with both of my labors I was making a LOT of noise by the time I was nearing transition.

For me it was amazing to watch how Beth knew her body so well and how Jack encouraged her and trusted her to do her thing. Watching little Eliora come into this world was by far the peak moment. She was born with a perfect knot in her umbilical cord (see photo below), which I’m told is extremely rare. The crazy thing is, my daughter was also born with a perfect knot in her cord, so once again I felt a sense of divine connection and knew that photographing my first birth story with Eliora was meant to be. What an incredible labor of love to witness and photograph, and one I’m sure never to forget.

Note: I decided to tell the story in black and white for consistency. I don’t think any of these images are too graphic but if you’ve never seen what a placenta looks like, be forewarned you will see one below. Shout out to the amazing nurses at Lancaster General Women and Babies Hospital for providing excellent care and to Dr. Eichenlaub for the delivery (and not minding a photographer in the room).

Melissa Engle Photography offers portrait and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, PA. Please contact me if you would like to make some photo magic together!

Media Newborn Photography: An In Home Newborn Lifestyle Session With Baby Henry


Say hello to baby Henry! This was my first newborn lifestyle session of 2019 and it could not have been more perfect. It took big brother Oliver a little while to warm up to the strange lady with the camera, but once he did he was excited to show me his toys and how much he loves chocolate chip cookies (me too!). I love that the family dog was even able to pose for a few photos and give baby Henry some puppy kisses. I have to say, baby Henry made my job as a photographer pretty darn easy. He was alert and happy pretty much the entire time and even dozed off for a little while towards the end before pushing out a big poop, newborn style. And look at his little forehead wrinkles!

I am looking forward to photographing many more newborn lifestyle sessions in the near future. I know for myself as a mom those first few weeks can feel like such a blur and then you blink and your baby is not so tiny anymore. I am so very thankful for the images I have from our newborn lifestyle session when my son was a few weeks old (he turns one this month!). Even though I was exhausted the morning the photographer came and still feeling overwhelmed as a new mom of two, I look back at those photos fondly and I’m so glad we have them to treasure.

Melissa Engle Photography offers portrait and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, PA. Please contact me if you would like to make some photo magic together!

Lancaster Newborn Lifestyle Photography: Baby Jameson


Welcome to the world baby Jameson! I didn't get to photograph this little dude until he was about 6 weeks old since I gave birth to my own son just a couple weeks after Jameson was born. His mom tells me he loves to eat and he's getting to be quite the little chunker. His parents, Nyssa and Alex, live in a beautiful Lancaster City home and I love their vintage, eclectic style. The one thing that stood out to me from his nursery is the amazing vintage rocking horse that Nyssa found on Craigslist. Apparently it was the first item she bought for the nursery after she found out she was pregnant. I really love photographing in home newborn sessions and I foresee doing many more of these in the future. Send all the tiny babies my way! They don't stay small for long in my experience. :)

Melissa Engle Photography offers portrait and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, PA. Please contact me if you would like to make some photo magic together!

Personal: Nolan Avery's Birth Story

Nolan Avery, four days old

Nolan Avery, four days old

Ever since I became a mom to my daughter a couple years ago, I have loved hearing (and sharing) birth stories. I always tell people that I have never felt the mind, body, soul connection more deeply in my life than I did when I was giving birth to my daughter. And I've never felt more vulnerable, yet more strong and proud of what my body can do. It was truly a spiritual experience for me, and I remain in awe of the mystery and miracle that is birth. 

I would say that my second birth experience was equally as powerful as my first, everything just happened a little faster. The following describes the 24 hours leading up to Nolan's birth. Just to lay a bit of background, I should mention that this pregnancy was less complicated than my first for a few reasons, the main one being that I did not have gestational diabetes. There was no diet regulation, no checking my blood sugars four times a day, no extra ultrasounds or non-stress tests. I also didn't have the swollen feet or get the charlie horse leg cramps in the middle of the night like I did when pregnant with my daughter. So all around, it was an easier pregnancy, other than the fact that I had a toddler to chase around.

Tuesday, March 27th, 24 Hours Before Nolan's Birth

On Tuesday evening, March 27th, at 40 weeks and 6 days pregnant, I headed to my routine prenatal appointment. My doctor checked my cervix and found that I was 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced, which meant I was a good candidate for a membrane sweep. This is a simple procedure where they use a finger to sweep between the membrane of the amniotic sac and the uterus. It is a good way to get labor started without drugs or other interventions. I was anxious about this because I had Googled it and read about other women saying it hurt, so when the nurse took my blood pressure and saw it was high, I wasn't surprised; however, when the doc did the sweep, I did not mind one bit. I remember asking her, "Did you do it? Wow, that didn't hurt at all!" I then did a non stress test and baby boy passed with flying colors (which I knew he would because he was extremely active throughout my entire pregnancy).

That night I had menstrual-like cramps in my lower back and in my lower abdomen. I figured this was due to the membrane sweep since cramps are fairly common following that procedure. I had been having these cramps and Braxton Hicks contractions periodically during the last month of my pregnancy as well. When I woke up the next morning and still hadn't gone into labor, I felt a sinking disappointment. I was SO sure that I would go into labor in the middle of the night when the time finally came and I was hoping it would happen that night.

Wednesday, March 28th, Nolan's Birthday

Being a week overdue at this point, I was feeling nervous because I did not want to be induced. I had an ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday afternoon to check on baby and since I don't like extra testing, I was not looking forward to it. I convinced my husband to work from home to babysit Cora so that I could swim laps at Franklin and Marshall College over lunch to destress and get some of my favorite type of exercise (I am a mermaid, after all, remember?) The cramps continued to come and go periodically that morning and were painful enough that they were annoying and hard to ignore so I decided to meet up with friends at Commonwealth Kitchen & Cafe for a distraction (also I felt like I had to poo and knew that a mocha latte would probably do the trick, and it did :-p). 

As I was swimming laps over lunch, I noticed the cramps were continuing so I decided to time them on the digital wall clock as I swam. I was a bit surprised to find that they were happening consistently 4 to 5 minutes apart. By the time I got out of the pool and had my hot shower, I had the sense of urgency that I should probably get home and figure out if this was the real thing. I had been anticipating labor for so long that I was in disbelief that it could actually be happening now, and like I said I was convinced it would happen in the middle of the night. I called into my doctor's office on my way home and spoke to the phone nurse since my doctor was not in that day. After describing my symptoms she suggested I go into the hospital and get checked.

Even though I had been prepared for this for weeks, I was a mess when I got home and forgot to pack several of my toiletries and clothing items that I meant to throw in my hospital bag. I was choking back tears as we rushed around to gather our things. I sobbed as I hugged Cora goodbye, knowing that the next time I saw her we would be a family of four and everything would be different.

Upon arrival in triage they found I was 5 cm dilated, which surprised me because even though the contractions were starting to become more intense, I remember 5 cm being a lot more difficult to endure when I was in labor with Cora. Lancaster General Women and Babies Hospital was packed that day, so it took them a little while to get us into a labor and delivery room. I never had a chance to eat lunch and I think the caffeine and anxiety of being in labor and not quite ready made my blood pressure go super high, which meant they had to check it every half hour while I was in labor and do some blood work. Thankfully everything was fine.

Once we got into our room, I was relieved that my blood pressure came down enough that I did not have to get a hep-lock in my hand. Being able to move freely and change positions during labor was one of the most important things to me, so I did not want an IV nor did I want to be hooked up to monitors. I also did not want any drugs, epidural or pain killers. It may sound crazy, but as I said with my first birth, I wanted to fully experience this thing that women have been doing since the beginning of time. Side note: I'm also a big fan of Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and that book very much impacted my desires for my labor and birth experience. Second side note: I think all moms are heroes, no matter how they gave birth. I know many friends whose birth stories did not turn out as they desired or imagined; regardless I just want to acknowledge that every woman who has given birth has done an incredible thing, no matter how the baby came into this world.

My mom and doula arrived soon after we got settled in the room and labor continued to progress and become more intense. During contractions I spent a lot of time rocking on the birthing ball, on all fours and sometimes lunging or squatting. I also spent some time in the tub. Dave and my doula Meghan of Village Birth Collective were awesome at encouraging me and applying pressure to my back and hips. The ambience was set just as I desired with folky music playing, dim lights and lavender essential oil diffusing through the air. I tried my best to focus on relaxing my face and mouth through every contraction, knowing how important it is to help relax the pelvic floor muscles and help labor progress.

Below I'm posting some super low quality photos and video that my mom took while I was in labor. When I look at these, I think I appear a lot calmer and more peaceful than what I was feeling inside.

In no time at all I had entered transition and the deep moans coming from within me grew louder and wavering. This part of labor I find to be the most intimate and transcendent; entering into that space where mind, body and soul are so intertwined and focused on nothing else but bringing that sweet babe into the world. The doc checked me and I was 7 cm dilated and as she was in there poking around, my water broke. Within the next half hour I was having the urge to push. I tried to surrender to my body and let it do all the work but the little guy still came fast and furious and I ended up with a second degree tear. After probably 4-5 contractions and less than 10 minutes of pushing, Nolan Avery arrived earthside, born at 5:50 p.m. weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces after less than 5 hours of labor. Now, a month later he is becoming a chunky little piglet and we all adore him so.


If you want to see Cora meeting her new baby brother for the first time, click here to view the Fresh 48 video and photos by Vanessa Shenk of Vanessa Joy Films. Hearing Cora's sweet little voice saying, "You want to hold him Daddy?" gets me every time. We will treasure this always. 

NOTE: The photos and video above of me in labor were taken by my mom with a low quality point-and-shoot camera, not to be confused with Vanessa's professional work.

And below are a few more photos taken by me of baby Nolan in his first month of life.

Melissa Engle Photography offers portrait and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, PA. Please contact me if you would like to make some photo magic together!

Lancaster Newborn Lifestyle Photography: Baby Gwen

Lately all of my sessions have revolved around newborns and babies and I'm ok with that! At 39 weeks pregnant, this was the last photo session I did before giving birth to our son. I know I've said it many times, but I have really enjoyed photographing in home lifestyle sessions this winter. I first met Melissa and Ryan over a year ago when they hired me to photograph their wedding. When I heard they were expecting a baby (just a week or so before me!) and wanted me to photograph her as a newborn, of course I said yes! All of the color in these photos makes my heart happy, and on top of that baby Gwen let me capture some of the sweetest, most ginormous newborn yawns. 

Melissa Engle Photography offers portrait and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, PA. Please contact me if you would like to make some photo magic together!

Lancaster Newborn Lifestyle Photography: The Millers Welcome Baby Ben

My friends Shawn and Candice recently welcomed their newborn son Ben into the world and I had the pleasure of doing an in home newborn lifestyle session for them. These types of sessions are quickly becoming some of my favorites because of the candid, raw moments I am able to capture. Big sister Eva wasn't a huge fan of being in photos at first but she was happy to show off her awesome cowgirl hat and when baby brother started crying she was quick to comfort him. I have enjoyed documenting the Miller family over the years, starting with Candice and Shawn's engagement, then the arrival of their daughter and now as they have become a family of four!

Soon we will be welcoming our own baby boy into our family and I am curious to see how the transition will go with my own daughter, who is very close in age to Eva.

Melissa Engle Photography provides portrait, family and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, PA. Get in touch to schedule your session!